burning bridges to warm your soul for a fleeting moment before going back to wallowing in sadness for not being able to let go of the community...
inb4 this is locked
lmao who wouldn't support this
why would you not play 1.8 on a pvp server?
so like a prestige for prestiging nice
yes yes support
dw you didn't break anything
well yes, but actually no
Guys maybe he’s just a masochist and we’re all feeding his fetish
that’s even worse tho
Watchu mean my dude, ur balls haven’t even descended yet and u talking about succing thighs and knocking out. In your case the age difference...
lmao she'll drop your 14 year old cheeks on the pavement before dropping the ig
but you don't have to swear and slur to dox someone
lmaoo at least it's not feet tho.
u fin done it
welcome infection chad
oh fr? that's a huge advantage for people who want to team. i change my mind 1.12 is better than 1.8
imagine being able to be mean to via. there's literally nothing to get mad about but here we are.
imagine thinking 1.9+ is better than 1.8