this is what we like to see
yep i did that 4 months ago
p5 lvl52 i miss my p10 oof
My pfp is ur answer
yes, factions was h0t asf
The shop should be open-able in game with a command (similar to /pv <#>). This way players could buy consumable items whenever they want, rather...
support this is annoying
I'm not exactly sure of the feasibility of implementing such a change, but it would be REAL nice if we could do /ci without having to put away our...
Support, visited it on creative and it's pretty orgasmic
yeah support
yeah support we need a shrek and Wuhan CoronaLabs Inc. map
heyy welcome back wolf
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: WiiTarded33X The offender's exact ingame name: qxtim A...
VP's are worthless now lol, as a zombie the armor is entirely useless support
yeah support this happened to me as well
did not expect that poke tbh
are u bipolar by any chance? I have a friend who is and sometimes he acts like you also no support