BUT PINK MERCY IS LIKE THE MOST INNOCENT SKIN THERE IS MY V I R G I N E Y E S also get the f*** off brigitte kthxbye
if u play those much hours like u say u do then support, i don't see why you'd need to specify ur traits if ur a known member here lol
We still haven't had dinner but i had lunch like 6 hours ago [IMG] Mediterranean Lamb [IMG] Tandoori [IMG] Pesto Chicken Club These pizzas were...
she was designed to be the anti-dive meta but now people are just using her to fling themselves into squishies and ruin the game due to her stun...
ah i don't play much comp but i've finally started to play a tad bit more so i'm in silver now, idk if i'll have enough time to hit gold this...
i'm still the lord of butts but like i'm also a pharah main and trash
it was never like that for overwatch
yeah p much
Epicgames (No i'm not a fortnite fanboy)
mayn't get added
fortnite is alright but the community and youtube content creators are absolutely awful some content creators literally make their videos...
how else is there meant to be change
tbh i'd say 1-2 hours, because if moderators from various timezones came in every now and then and all pitched in then we wouldn't be in this hellhole
^^ a bunch of kids just moved to the rlly popular servers because they were consistent and kept on providing as minecraft went on, owners just...
i remember when me and some friends made this rlly cool infection map it never got added despite it getting a bunch of support i remember another...
oh no ;-;