gonna be pulling up to the club in full MV merch
where you been bro
Thanks death <3
ah you're still here are you
You should come say hi sure, give me a shout if you ever go on. I'm also horrible at pvp now, but you were miles better than me back in the day as...
Because they're essentially pay to win. If you get a s30 with your kit, it's completely unfair for new players and unbalanced which goes against...
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempbanned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.
i'm head mod so yeah I stuck around. wbu? OP just re released
not bad, working etc. wbu?
run it back to 2016 and we can date
i have a crush on you ngl
wys fella
i joined the forums before you so pipe down
what a throwback
you smell
I'll be closing this report due to lack of activity/response on our behalf. If this remains an ongoing issue, please feel free to make another...
Due to the lack of full screenshot evidence and the time elapsed of the report, it will now have to be closed. If you have any further recent...
somehow how you been?
4 years to go