If you are reading this, you should probably be doing your homework instead.
You've received a poke! *****LaSt CoMmEnT*****
No. ( You don't meet the requirements: https://www.mineverse.com/threads/moderator-application-requirements.85774/ ) 3
The next person to comment gets poked~
One has a '0' <-- unintentional shocked face It's been awhile since the poke wars have commenced... in memory of that day:...
*Insert Something Funny Here*
'You can't see me, but I'm still last' - nin nin
This is offensive to Kyles everywhere. Pls Stop.
._. moo
Neutral. I agree with the logic behind this suggestion, that being if someone knowingly chooses to assist another person in breaking the rules,...
The Last Airbender <---------------------
When the elevator lies about the floor number like a triggered kid lies about their age... [IMG] [IMG] (Number 13)
*dab* wait, wrong joke. ... *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke* *poke*...
You just banned someone for banning someone... rather than banning you myself, it seems you've been banned by your own rule :^
Banned. <-- Totally original ik
1 *Insert words and stuff for character minimum*
(lol I didn't even realize xD) Banned for calling yourself "archerexpert777" instead of 'archerexpert778'.