Hopefully it will be out soon
Miss those days
Oo Can't wait! Might actually come online to check out
Hey Fear! What's up?
Thank you! :3
Thank you!
Currently doing "The Black Horse Toop" Composed by John Philip Sousa in band, as well as a few other pieces. But I currently love most of Frank...
Welcome! :3
wOW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVpqxbddMsM
A bit late, but Happy Birthday!! I give you air from my lungs
Welcome :3
Currently have no recommendations, but Falling In Reverse is amazing.
Nice job! Gonna miss Archerpvp tho ;-; But it was dead and I don't play often anyway Oh well
I'm not crying, you're crying!
These are my children Leo [ATTACH] Emily [ATTACH] Meows [ATTACH] Oreo [ATTACH] Meatball [ATTACH] Sandy [ATTACH] There are more photos of...
The Chaos Walking Trilogy !!! Such an amazing science fiction trilogy, im too lazy to put a summary so just look one up if interested. But I...