he is not djryan. be wary of these claims.
heres a kawaii pic [IMG]
a lot of people are trying to impersonate me by sharing screenshots of my inventory, so unless you get a discord dm from ryann#0001 or a message...
no support. reasons why: tried to impersonate me with another person to report me very toxic in game makes many false reports and blackmails...
no ddddddd
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: ryannify The offender's exact ingame name: gg45,...
thanks fellows :d
jame my darling
i do like the higher roof it looks cool. we should make a realm just of the old map.
thank you sir thank you father
thank you good sir thanks for the very constructive feedback
b ump
could possibly be a little biased im sure he wont have too much bias as a mod. he's a good lad and kit needs a new mod. support.