Well yeah but in school or something I never learned about timezones that much.
in-game or forums?
Mmm okay
You can mostly find me on Infection, KitPVP,OpPvp, Creative, and Skyblock
Introduction Hello and welcome to my Application! Wow the third one to! My last 2 weren't so good... so lets go on and let's make another....
Correct :)
I really don't care. So, no
I know right
I knew it! I just felt like it was a troll
Noo! Can we please stop talking about this topic!?
It is to short!
Ohh! Okay I understand you now
No Support ):
No support :(
No Support, sorry! Reasons stated above
No Support sorry
To be honest I seem him everywhere in the forums
Okay can we just stop arguing? And first of all it's like everybody else. No detail! It needs to be longer. Staff needs to make sure staff...
No Support. Work on your grammar a bit.