God darnit Nubxy, ;p
One of my favorite servers, Infection, has no people playing on it. Why is that?
ehh. dogs are meh
No support, as people said I personally haven't seen you in games before, grammar issues, and much more.
probably a dog...
But you can't roast me, why you may ask? Because I'm vegan and I don't roast pigs. SORRY!
Hello everyone remember me? NoHaxJusNarwhalz,... no ): Well I took a break!
I think you just raised my IQ 200 more then it usually was.
I personally think you're going to become mod :) Support!
You got my Support!
On this one I have to say Neutral, I haven't seen you in game that much. Even though I really started to get addicted to Mineverse only 2 weeks...
Hello everybody! Remember me? MarcusTheOwl, my new name is DoctorOwl but the real point of this thread is that I am back from being gone for about...
first of all I didn't quit because of someone
Please lock this thread then
I doubt that...
I might be quitting in-game and forums, on the outside I am nice. Inside I am an immature piece of crap. To be honest some person actually wanted...