We get it, u have a 3 digit IQ. This is how this game works right?
Do I have permission to say that we should all be nice here?
No support, sorry bud. Reasons have been stated.
This is turning into a forum game.
I kind of wanted to say that, but I hate saying it.
i shud be unbannted cuzz i am good boy i didn do enything rong dat mod dat bannded me is stoopid i did nootin wong unbant mee nouw or i wil hax...
When people have the max rank is games they stop playing games, because they have gotten bored of not leveling up.
No support. You didn't really give us a reason why you THINK why you should be a mod. Not enough detail, you need to really convince us why you...
Why do you have to rain on our parade?
-22 -male -lives alone -2 hands -5 legs -my name is Marcus -(6 cats) too many cats -2 brothers -5 sisters
What is happening here?
You may be young, but maturity comes young. Support!
Ahhh, Alright. Thank you :)
That's the only possible way of doing it?
Is it possible to be serious?
Y'all wanna play a game? No, okay we're doing one anyways! In the comments of the thread, somebody needs to start with the letter "a" then "b"...
Hello, everyone. is it possible we can delete our own thread?