What's the point of resetting it if it's just going to be broken within a month? The bugs need to be fixed before resetting, Cypriot can't just...
wow cool dude
it's hard for the same thing to be fun for 3 years, that's why people quit. doesn't help with no updates/bug fixes
then you're still focusing on minecraft as this is a minecraft forum? ? ?
looks like this hasn't worked out lul
these are so outdated it hurts
gee wow what an achievement
blah blah blah using my insults against me blah blah blah
i've always been like this nothing to be insecure about [IMG]
what am I insecure about if I may ask ?
??? still crying LUL
cry more weeb LUL
fire roast XDDD XDDD
it's a trophy you goon
gay and fake
??? I posted an angry react did you really think I was being serious ???????????
throwing around jailbait like that cmon bruh not every not-fully clothed picture of a girl below 18 is jailbait [IMG]
when were we talking about when I was a moderator? we're talking about how nobody likes you aren't you gonna deny it lil bro ):