Could you please tell me why, so I could improve? Thanks
umm, okay, if you really insist, @redroyalle
If you could point out the mistakes to me, that would be great thanks :)
Oh, okay Sorry I didn't know that. Changing to Support. Just try to be more active throughout the gamemodes ;)
No support, get more active throughout the severs. You are only ever on creative.
Neutral. You aren't really that active and I don't see you on much. You would be a good mod on OPPrison, but that's the only server you're active...
No support, add more detail. Try to get higher than New Member :/ Good Luck.
Bump :/ Btw guys, I know I am on low trophy points and don't have Active Member, but I guess that's due to me playing too much and not spending...
When people get promoted... I can't do anything because I don't know my password
My IGN: Enoch964 Whom I am reporting: ssslime Reason: Spamming Evidence: Attached
If you wish we can kick you out.
Top voter chance rip... I can't vote it won't let me ;( I haven't voted for a whole day and 3 hours, still won't let me vote
Support this is worrying even though I have no rares
I wonder why my skin is a pokemon...
Please close this is a old thread I know how bad block glitching is nowadays XD @TADS4
Support the splash potions are annoying
How old are you? How do you know your own age? Mine's a mystery to me Your in-game name: What's a name? What timezone are you in? Whatever one...
By the way, why is it called FTL?