Neutral. I would like you to be active across all gamemodes, as I have never ever seen you before.
Why don't we just ban him instead of tempban, as I have already gotten him banned TWICE.
I'm trying so hard to download hacks. First is optifine. HOW TO DOWNLOAD?!???!??!!?!??!
No support, most reasons stated above For a mod app, your spelling needs to be perfect. Instead of 'i am honest' it should be 'I am honest'...
Heyoooo cx
My IGN:Enoch964 Whom I am reporting : fillekillen04 Reason: Fly hacking This player flew or used spider to get onto the super tall tower on Rust,...
It's terrrible. I watched like, the first 30 seconds then searched up Bart Baker parody. Parodies are always better. 100%True
Gratz everyone. I tried voting every day, but three of the days, it randomly came up with You must wait till tomorrow before voting again, even...
Bump I want more feedback/feedforward ;P
Good :)
Accepted lol Accepted
Lol. I think I might say Neutral and Empster can decide. CX
Neutral Skype doesn't really matter at this point, we don't actually have anyone in the squad's skype. The group chat on skype is actually only...
Empster = inactive Means I have to accept or deny these request thingies :/
Empster you messed up again. You can read the member list on /p h:4 Enoch964(Also check out my lovely pagoda(I spent 20minutes building that)...
Bump ;)
Yeah, though I don't normally play all the time on Mineverse. I'll lower it a bit.