Recently, I haven't been playing mine craft very much, but as I used to play it a lot, I have items stacked up on this server and other servers.... Watch this. Like, now
Oh my
I haven't been on mine verse in quite some time, and I was just wondering, what has changed since the middle of August in 2015?
How could I not support, you're my brother from another province
If anyone plays FIFA 16 on the Xbox one, and has online, add my gamertag (Davidq163) and if you would like to talk I have a mic. If we have bad...
Since it has been almost 3 years since the first time I have been on this wonderful server, I wanted to see if any of my old buddies that remember...
Who else misses old mineverse:eh
@SSMH Can you please lock and archive this? I decided to just stick with my nexus
Mod please lock and archive
Are you able to update the email you used to make your forums account? If so, how?
You won't be seeing me on as much. For about a month I've been bored of mineverse and mine craft in general.
If it's unpopular then why are you arguing about saving it lol
Relish with brownies or honey dew melon. Sounds disgusting, but I never regret it.
Even if they are planning to upgrade to 1.9, we would have to wait a few months because to upgrade to 1.9, we need bukkit to upgrade to 1.9 which,...
Totally forgot about this thing
Thanks, Both of you :)
Okay, thank you :)