The gamemode I mainly play is skyblock. Should I first remove all shop chest signs, get all my stuff from my ender chest and put it in a regular...
Of coarse the time I finally get my computer you, froe, and bananaman don't play anymore :(
Way back when in February (not 2016, when name changing became possible) I changed my name from skylanderdavid to XxMcPhantomxX. This was when I...
1. skylanderdavid 2. AasOliver 3. Hacking. Primarily using anti knockback and rapid click (idk what its called) 4. [MEDIA]
1. skylanderdavid 2. ShadowX_XHunter 3. Jesus hacks, No slow down (Charging the bow while running), and a little bit of bow aimbot 4 [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
Daily bump.
Before I start my application, I would just like to thank everyone for welcoming me back to Mineverse, last time i played minecraft in general...
I have 2 accounts, one is skylanderdavid, and the other is MiningMaster663
Yeah, im back :P I finally got a laptop
If i remember correctly, you played survival and/or factions a lot, right?
Yeah, on the Xbox One
Yeah I did! Whats up, I remember you! :P
About a year ago, I wasnt able to play mineverse, or minecraft in general. Now that i am able to play again, I want to get back on track with my...
I think i do! I finally got my new laptop
Guess whos back from about a year without minecraft ;)
Haven't been on here in months, haven't been on Minecraft in general in months. Damn I miss everyone and when I used to be addicted
Remember me?