Like its and it's!
True. Like 7 to 9 don't grasp it to well, but I don't complain about with them. Just the ones that should know it!
They just learn it for a grade then forget it in 6 hours or less!
Well for the connection do as i just stated, but cycle through each lobby till you have a stable connection. @Hotnikki had the disconnection loop...
It is easy to learn! I've noticed that it's hard for people to remember! They're there with their game! See easy for me! They're - is a...
I trust I and myself, I don't trust "me" he sketchy!
For now when in the lobby switch to lobby 1 then your gamemod! It seems the be something with lobby 2 & 3.
They have added this to the "To-Do List" because people (not as much now) get the error when starting or leaving. It was real bad a month or two...
Just went swimming!
McDonald's for breakfast!!!!!
As for a nether portal, you can go to a coordinate in the nether make a portal and cause it to generate one in the overworld at a specific...
LoL. I don't think anybody knows me, so I would only get support from 10 people!
I just remembered, there are 3 lobbies, 1 for each mineverse (.com .net .org). If I switch to lobby 1 my connection is more stable and low chance...
Greif (to minecraft) - To add, remove, alter, move, or replace blocks, items, or entities. i.e. adding block around a players bed. or remove...
Yeah, but for me OpPvP lags more.
More people play kitpvp than oppvp, but oppvp has more lag. Go figure!
But OpPison was diong this all last week. Could be all the duped explosive pickaxes.
I like prison cause I like the challenge of it!
You keep forgetting the lag on opprison! OpPrison - easier, simpler, plots, and lag Prison - hard work, dodging noob killers at D mine, free...
Someone is using your internet to vote. It could be a person in your house or someone outside using your WiFi and that person could be voting for...