Word Edit is not always pink and its on all the servers for admins and builders.
Also it sometimes glitches with the /island commands.
http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Minecraft_Wiki And per the site yes they can spawn/happen. However its a matter of the plugins at this point. The...
I don't think they are disabled. Its more of finding the exact chunk a temple would be in, meaning a chunk in a deep ocean or rarely a desert....
https://github.com/drtshock/Essentials/wiki at the bottom of page may be the answer.
Be on other game modes and I will support!
Like already stated, be on the other servers more. Do that and you will get my support.
Lazy Sunday bruh!
And your permissions.
You should have access to /kit titan , yes? If you do give it a couple of days and it will change in chat. Did it to me or there and a couple...
Its a problem with the shop plugin. Been like that for about 4-5 months now. Same problem on survival and skyblock too! Sell it with a shop sign...
Thanks for the seed. But the seed is about 150 blocks from dead zero of the map... So that why I had been doing it and telling other like I said...
Exactly! Some people found a glitch/bug and spent like 24hrs using it. It made the economy crap for about 2 days and then caused prices to...
Lag is an issue for some, but not all. The "lag" most people encounter is the server or the global network host. It goes... Server -> global...
Well there is /seed but we don't have permission for it. So until then.... Press F3 Look at the top left, and find your coordinates (X,Y,Z - u...
So that means the lag dropped some? Haven't been on in a few weeks
Player Vault plugin would be the only option with what your asking. The Backpack (old) or Backpacks plugins require an ingame backpack and...