I know, I am N on OpPrison and have a plot.
Ya, but it don't matter, because 99.9% of renters will renew the time 10 minutes - 1 hour before it expires. And I don't feel like wait 2 months...
When did plot open up? I have hardly been active there recently because no plots are ever available. I have been waiting for plots to open up for...
And some of the normal plugins are 10% modified! :p
No problem.
Its on the forums I think, but there are no rare keys! I have gotten 2 and they were only common. They had glitches some time ago and the rare has...
And from what I've found about the silkspawner plugin, a few people have made a patch for people to use too. Just my other ¢.02
Also it a bug/glitch with the rankS, however on OP prison it don't always show ranks. Along as you can do /kit and its for god don't worry about...
If you bought the free tp to spawn or keep re buying it, that will keep happening. Had to buy it once cause of survival and that poped up on all...
Support the crafting of spawners! Also look here at the bottom for a possible fix! https://github.com/drtshock/Essentials/wiki
There are ways to fix the permissions for them out there, but its been like this for over a month now.
I got my daughter upgraded to God, does that count? Either way I will give some gifts too!
Make a hybrid cannon and shoot sand only till it reaches the middle of the base, then use sand and TNT! :eek:
Seen this and thought how much I love you guys/gals from Australia! :):D http://imgur.com/gallery/RRu3ZtJ [IMG]
Said it a few post up.
Considering that in single player passive mobs do spawn but its a low, low spawn rate. (from Minecraftforum: 15) Build a platform 24 blocks away...
Rarest is a spider jockey with a wither skeleton rider. Next rarest is a spider jockey with a regular skeleton. However according to the math, on...
Yeah cause there is no PvP area so no need to have it. Also most skills have a cool down. The only ones useful are fishing, alchemy, herbalism,...
Right, however.... You get it from everything else! Mining from a cobble generator, a mod XP farm, planting and harvesting crops, using a furnace,...
If you leave your session/disconnect for 15 minute you cannot delete. Did this on skyblock, to test if able to delete was for a session or 24...