Do you know imperial_mint? Tip: server best builder
Thank you!
Parkour is becoming the most boring mode out of all of these wonderful modes (Creative, Kit-pvp and etc...) Every players who have completed...
Ok, so dis happened! Me and my fellow Jay was building something, then we see Imperial_Mint in chat and I was like OMG he's here then I ask him to...
Lol just nevermind xD
It's just a fun thing for bored people -.-
Lol! I totally didn't understand wat I was talking! xD ok so Like just get bunch of people go to creative then everyone must get in /egm 3. so...
Hopefully, if this works! everyone in creative goes to /EGM 3 maybe around 30 people! Hopefully it works xD
They aren't fake look at mine
Hello, Pile I have a problem! my rank isn't showing in lobbies! my IGN is kenhk168
lol xD
ikr sameee mate
Same I have a problem with this also, still need to find a staff to fix it. cause the email doesn't work ([email protected])
Kenhk168 [ATTACH] Thank you Surge so much!
Hello! I'm having a problem in Mineverse! For some reason, i don't see my rank in lobbies! but I see it in creative, PVP and etc.. but not lobby....
Follow me :D and i'll follow u asap! xD
Congrats on Active member! Next step is Staff xD
xD Ken is my nickname
Nice where? On server or forum?