Neutral, leaning towards no support. - The other day we were playing bedwars and you were boasting. - In that same game, you were being rude...
And in your reply, you haven't stated that you always think of me as an underdog? I try and be friends with you, but you just ignore me.
You have changed. You've become better, but you can't say that you're changing to accept other's opinions. For the past 2 months, you've ignored...
Neutral. - Become more active on other gamemodes (I know you've started to be) - You have been disrespectful at times (But you've changed that)...
Join my faction on OpFacs lmao
Hurlz Kenneth_ He broke the rule of 'threats' he threatened to hack me and troll me. Evidence:
You forgot me... @Cxitlyn? Also thanks Reborn! :D These are friends that have been through thin and bold with me throughout my time here on...
lol. no respect #thuglife
Why? Do you realize there is a Mushroom Clan?
You have a mushroom skin?....
My In-Game Name: Hurlz Offenders In-Game Name: random_Peeps Rule Broken: Glitch Abuse, he is a spectator and he is trolling people by using tnt as...
@NoMoreSanity @Alma @BlackZone Please Close This.
The Mushroom Squad :l
No Support. - You're always so rude. - You always boast all the time. - No activity on any other games other than OpPvP as @Swift stated. -...
Stop rating all my posts then! It's not that hard.
Would you mind staying on topic? I've made previous clans but they haven't worked out. Please stop rating all my posts negative thank you very much.
sorry yes.