not dieting i ment dieing
ok so i went away from key bored at my friends place idk if it was his plot but he gave me this book that is so stupid i can't believe it so when...
i ment to say buyed but it made me say buyer
ok yesterday i buyer the Upgrade from VIP to MVP and its been over a day my friend told me i have to be logged on and do it so i buyer it again...
How old are u: Im 13-14 years old Your-ingame name: Swatchmen What time zone are you in: Australia What country do you live in: Australia What...
yeah thx MWPJ7 i know i did bad spelling -_-
i ment to say i buyed
well today i buyer the upgrade to VIP to MVP and i have been waiting for like 1 to 2 hours and I'm still VIP and i buyer the VIP upgrade to MVP i...
thx guys for telling me thing i do love people helping me being something for other people thx guys <3
hey noobcrew or mods i would like some help with my VIP rank on all the servers I'm VIP but for some reason I'm not VIP on skywars and i asked a...
noobcrew i would love to be a awesome moderator hopefully when I'm a moderator or might be i would do every thing right and do whats right and ban...
How old are u? I'm 13-14 years old Your in-game name? SwatchMen What timezone are you in? Australia timezone What country do you live in? i live...