happy easter, baby bossyy <3
Can you please reban youtuber for 69 years and deMOte him??
Please reban him
ikr omg :(
im late but conGRATs hon XOxo
Congrats on mud u nub xoxo (soz im late!)
Happy birthday!
Mini Barbie Jeep.. oh wait
Congrats :)
suprot. just ad moar colorz
no. the kids took laini
when he impersonates a staff member :heart_eyes:
@i_am_youtuber IMPOSTER LMFAO
hit or miss
go away impoStoR1!!! @i_am_youtuber plz ban dat impoSteR
ikr : (( he threatened to eat my BERRY KIDS OMG
Damn houses got dem legs too??
yucks http://prntscr.com/mabi7b
resuprot ad moar coloars plz aslo plz barid my hair and snad harts bff thnkz11 <3
I used to play infections and it was fun back in the day but I'm kinda surprised that it was removed - even though i'm not really a mineverse...