No kidding. This is the reason why I've stopped playing mineverse. Kitpvp2 has been neglected and overrun by hackers to the point where everyone...
Full support. Only logical step towards getting rid of hackers
"Double posted" He says... five
It's contagious
COngrats on SR
Greetings, Tea Sipper
Interesting fact. Circles are comprised of an infinite number of triangles
I suggest NoobCrew looks in the Suggestions forums... A lot of players have some good ideas there...
I have. Never have I ever flown across the country/world to see a friend.
Your friends and family are worth going on tomorrow.
Greetings and salutations.
That's what I was looking for lol
Next time don't flip someone off so hard. Jkjk. Get better me dude
Mods in the mod folder can be renamed and still work
I am alive. How are you?
118. Only 1901 more to go
Congratulations, Abbie! I knew you'd get it. You're gonna be a great mod :D