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  • _Rlxtreme_
    Last Activity:
    Oct 2, 2021
    Jun 30, 2016
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    Apr 7, 2000 (Age: 24)

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    Experienced Member, Male, 24

    Legendary member, nice. Sep 22, 2021

    _Rlxtreme_ was last seen:
    Oct 2, 2021
      1. _Rlxtreme_
        47% the way back to active member, the dream to be active member again lol.
        1. 1991
          don't bother, it's not worth it. 2 years and still active for me.
          Oct 30, 2016
      2. dankness
        Check my off-topic thread you'll like it
        1. dankness
          This is rude
          Oct 23, 2016
        2. _Rlxtreme_
          Oct 23, 2016
      3. Via
        umg i just watched ur signature and i think we need to talk bc i'm obsessed with anime!!!

        espurrcially Yuno <3
        1. View previous comments...
        2. Tsunderes
          It was one of the first ones I had watched. Currently on Assassination Classroom season 2 :D
          Oct 30, 2016
        3. _Rlxtreme_
          Cool, well I'm more intrigued with Yuno all together than the show (though I love the show's concept). Her psychology makes her actions reasonable. What I mean is her past affects her decisions in the show very much.
          Oct 30, 2016
        4. _Rlxtreme_
          I would go into it more if you'd like in PM form cause I'm getting tired of the 420 character limit of comments xD. But, the show explains very easily why she does what she does and that's what makes her interesting to me.
          Oct 30, 2016
      4. dankness
        Do you like overwatch??? If yes who's your favourite character?
        1. _Rlxtreme_
          Its a divide over junkrat and hanzo. Both pretty good. Though honestly tracer is cool as well so I have to say those three are my favorite characters. and Yes I play and like Overwatch.
          Oct 20, 2016
        2. dankness
          Ok I need your battle tag, please contact me via dm and mine are Tracer and Genji.
          Oct 20, 2016
        3. _Rlxtreme_
          Oh cool, I'll message ya over PM on forums.
          Oct 20, 2016
      5. _Rlxtreme_
        Only took me, 2 hours to change my signature. lol...
        1. Random
          oh no
          Oct 19, 2016
        2. _Rlxtreme_
          Oh yes.
          Oct 19, 2016
      6. _Rlxtreme_
        Just started watching Mirai Nikki....Yep...Starting to ask myself...why?...lol
        1. djryan
          Make sure you watch the OVA at the end
          Sep 24, 2016
        2. _Rlxtreme_
          Yeah I did a grind last night, watched nearly 15 episodes of it lol. pretty tired not just from sleep but from the dramatic episodes.
          Sep 24, 2016
        3. _Rlxtreme_
          Getting ready to watch the OVA, I assume that's the redial episode? Just finished the series, need to spend a day recovering from the season finale. Still trying to stop crying haha. Though they did open the series up for the season 2, I doubt they will like many animes, but it would be nice if they did a stand alone non manga based season 2
          Sep 26, 2016
      7. _Rlxtreme_
        #RIPChestLockOnTowny It will be missed. . .
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        2. Andrewswj
          Thank you. His name is Apple_Pie_Slayer.
          Sep 23, 2016
        3. _Rlxtreme_
          oh...right...i've heard that he locked the chests in our town. didn't know he did that much...i'll have to have a "peaceful" "conversation" between him and my attack button multiple times.
          Sep 23, 2016
        4. Benko
          I can still /lock ex de
          Sep 23, 2016
      8. _Rlxtreme_
        Always fun when Cypriot Teleports to you in Towny and starts a 1v1 with him having God mode and McEdit.. . . Survived ha. #TooExtremeForCyp
        1. XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS likes this.
        2. Ertuiop
          He did that? .-.
          Sep 22, 2016
        3. _Rlxtreme_
          Yep, just logged on and he tp'ed to random people using World edit and trying to kill them with god mode. impossible to kill, but he didn't manage to kill me while i was cutting wood. pretty hilarious considering he just started spamming /spawn creeper behind me haha.
          Sep 22, 2016
      9. _Rlxtreme_
        Co-mayor of the largest town in towns, boo yah! #Triggered #VapeNation
        1. View previous comments...
        2. Benko
          Large in claims or members?
          Sep 19, 2016
        3. Ruminisque
          We have 24 members.
          Sep 19, 2016
        4. Benko
          o ok
          Sep 19, 2016
      10. Maxamul
        1. _Rlxtreme_
          Sep 17, 2016
        2. Maxamul
          Is your pfp the master sword from Ocarina of Time
          Sep 17, 2016
        3. _Rlxtreme_
          Correct, it's also suppose to be from the breath of the wild game coming out soon
          Sep 17, 2016
      11. _Rlxtreme_
        I'm back baby! Just in time for Towny as well.