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  • Comments on Profile Post by ImTopmass

    1. Bantz
      You only said that because you're on the Top list for the most Negative ratings... Plus why can't I dislike? It's my opinion. Its there for a reason xD I've only given 9..
      Feb 26, 2015
    2. ImTopmass
      Lol. I got disliked for my opinions.
      Feb 26, 2015
    3. Bantz
      Exactly. I disliked you for my opinion.
      Feb 26, 2015
    4. ImTopmass
      For saying no support? Lol.
      Feb 26, 2015
    5. Bantz
      The post isn't there anymore... I'm 99% sure that you put Supreme - Titan should get /fly. I might be wrong but eh
      Feb 26, 2015