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  • Comments on Profile Post by KingAlex

    1. ZeldaNinja
      oooo XD
      Feb 26, 2015
    2. KingAlex
      Feb 26, 2015
    3. Yin
      If we're talking about Friday the 13th, we have one on November as well. This is actually somewhat common, taking 2009 & 2012 for example.
      Feb 26, 2015
    4. KingAlex
      Oh wow xD. Well its weird to have it in 2 months in a row.
      Feb 26, 2015
    5. Yin
      2009 was the same thing. I think it's an every 6 year thing.
      Feb 26, 2015
    6. Alan
      Illuminati confirmed? Reminds me of good ol' yerrt, as he was the first one ever to say that to me. Ah, good ol' times.. I cri.. ;-; I MISS YERRT!
      Feb 27, 2015
    7. KingAlex
      Same :(
      Feb 27, 2015