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  • Comments on Profile Post by UncleUrnesto

    1. Ares_Xena
      I gave you a level 0 Infraction. This should only apply one warning point. But, because you already had a several warning points on your profile you were banned.
      Feb 25, 2015
    2. UncleUrnesto
      You shouldn't even have applied a infraction anyways because you're allowed to swear if it is blurred out :facepalm:
      Feb 25, 2015
    3. Ares_Xena
      Uncle. You were my first forum ban. I actually asked other moderators for advice before I proceeded.

      I didn't know you'd be banned
      Feb 25, 2015
    4. UncleUrnesto
      Why did you even give me an infraction for saying f*ck, I purposely blurred it out since I knew I can't say the full word.

      Feb 25, 2015
    5. Ares_Xena
      Again, I asked the other moderators for advice on how to proceed.
      Feb 25, 2015
    6. UncleUrnesto
      Ill see what @KatoKillsMyGPA says.

      I'm not blaming you but an infraction for blurring out a swear word, are we 9?
      Feb 25, 2015
    7. Bantz
      Ares, honestly. Do you think 9 year old kids have their parents looking on mineverse forums like xD Logic.
      Feb 26, 2015
    8. Ares_Xena
      I never said anything about a "9 year old" so I don't understand what you're talking about.

      Again, this wasn't just my decision. I consulted with other moderators before proceeding.
      And also, if they felt my decision wasn't the right call they could've corrected or asked Kato to unban Uncle. But since they didn't I went on to my duty.
      Feb 26, 2015
    9. Bantz
      when I mean't by "9 year old" it was a metaphor xD Of like someone young..
      Feb 26, 2015
    10. Gokufarts
      God uncleurnesto calm down. Moderators can't just be perfect and know everything right when they got promoted.
      Feb 26, 2015