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  • Comments on Profile Post by BabyTheBae

    1. dera
      @BabyTheBae, just because you think everyone Is your bae, doesn't mean mods don't do their job, he did the right thing to do.
      Feb 25, 2015
    2. BabyTheBae
      >-< well I want to know I didn't do anything wrong -_- so gtfo
      Feb 25, 2015
    3. dera
      @BabyTheBae, and you wonder why you got banned. "GTFO"
      Feb 25, 2015
    4. Yin
      Please, be respectful.

      As for this case, I'm looking at the reason, and it's a bit blunt. I'll look into it more.
      Feb 25, 2015
    5. BabyTheBae
      :| I kinda don't know what I did D:
      Feb 25, 2015