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  • Comments on Profile Post by AWholeNewGeneration

    1. UncleUrnesto
      Sorry for the late comment, currently at an airport. What would you need help with?
      Feb 22, 2015
    2. AWholeNewGeneration
      I was just wondering that if I needed help could u help me?
      Feb 22, 2015
    3. AWholeNewGeneration
      Could u help me out with a clan? Once I get an MC account I can play on this server a lot! But I want to play factions and kitpvp, and OpFactions. So I was wondering if I could join your clan if u have one. It would be greatly appreciated if u would!
      Feb 22, 2015
    4. UncleUrnesto
      Feb 22, 2015
    5. AWholeNewGeneration
      Can we meet ingame? I will use XxRaven_xX
      Feb 22, 2015