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  • Comments on Profile Post by GizzBots

    1. Bantz
      Feb 21, 2015
    2. Buntobaga
      60-70 bucks, Adidas Duramo 6, I had these bad boys for bball and 100 m sprints, Made 19 Dunks and Did 100 in 100 in 11.5 secs. Get these bbys
      Feb 21, 2015
    3. GizzBots
      Rachet, they're like exactly what I was looking for, lol. I want to get free runs but I'm gonna have to work for them. I also want to get Nike Mercurial Victory V's c:
      Feb 21, 2015
    4. ZeldaNinja
      pfft who needs shoes, get titan :P jk jk
      those shoes are pretty comfortable :O
      Feb 22, 2015
    5. GizzBots
      Lol, I can't afford to waste $150 on a game haha. I'm keen for football season anyway.
      Feb 22, 2015
    6. Bantz
      Lol the nike free 3.0s are soo comfortable. I got them with my spare birthday money
      Feb 22, 2015
    7. GizzBots
      I want them or the 5.0s.
      Feb 22, 2015
    8. Bantz
      5.0s are cheaper. I recommend if you can't get the 3.0s try to get the 5.0s
      Feb 23, 2015
    9. Bantz
      For football/rugby I've got Hypervenom's. The blue and orange one.
      Feb 23, 2015
    10. GizzBots
      If I can't get Victory V's I'll get Hypers.
      Feb 23, 2015