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  • Comments on Profile Post by Freddo

    1. Obama
      blah blah blah I don't care.
      Feb 20, 2015
    2. Freddo
      Lol nice fake selfie anyways lol
      Feb 20, 2015
    3. Obama
      Freddo, Please tell me when I said it was me?
      Cause' I'm having a bloody hard time trying to remeber.
      Feb 20, 2015
    4. Obama
      You gonna answer or nah?
      Feb 20, 2015
    5. Freddo
      People have said on ur profile your a pretty girl because of your picture, you have agreed
      Feb 20, 2015
    6. Obama
    7. Piggy
      Bump. I'm really interested.
      Feb 21, 2015
    8. Obama
      lol, He Has nothing to say.
      Feb 21, 2015
    9. Piggy
      Aww. I actually found this funny ;-;
      Feb 21, 2015
    10. Obama
      Feb 21, 2015
    11. GizzBots
      Freddo, do you think you're like top of the line because you talked to Cyp about something? It isn't hard. You realise that, right? There's nothing wrong with mini modding but the way you do it is just wrong.

      What makes you think you can just come on here and be this darn disrespectful to her? And then when you're shown up you throw a comeback like that back? Srsly some people on here just make me wonder...
      Feb 21, 2015
    12. Freddo
      Lmao it's not hard to talk to cyp as u said + I don't care about my reputation here since Most hated me ever since I brought the RWT Rule in
      Feb 21, 2015
    13. GizzBots
      You didn't bring anything in, you simply whined to Cyp because you wanted your own way. Srsly, just stop.
      Feb 21, 2015
    14. Freddo
      Even if I "whined to cyp" which I didnt, I still got the rule enforced and people still dislike me for that
      Feb 21, 2015
    15. GizzBots
      No, people don't appreciate you going around making pointless posts like this. It's simply rude.
      Feb 21, 2015
    16. Freddo
      Feb 21, 2015