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  • Comments on Profile Post by nick ok

    1. Obama
      That's not me ;-;
      But tyty <3
      Feb 15, 2015
    2. nick ok
      nick ok
      You still must be cute <3
      Feb 15, 2015
    3. Obama
      I can pm you a selfi but I aint' cute ;-;
      Feb 15, 2015
    4. SavageTM
      Finally someone is honest about there profile picture.
      75% of the chicks on here are fake.
      Feb 15, 2015
    5. Obama
      To me there is no point on lying about what you look like because who cares if you're ugly like me :>
      Feb 15, 2015
    6. SavageTM
      Good state of mind you have, however most chicks are not like you.
      Feb 15, 2015
    7. Obama
      I don't really know how other chicks act seeing all my friends are boys.
      Feb 15, 2015
    8. SavageTM
      Just look around ;).
      Feb 15, 2015