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  • Comments on Profile Post by Obama

    1. Obama
      I'm going to full brightness every one.
      They'll get rekt.
      Feb 15, 2015
    2. CypriotMerks
      We don't like players using hacked clients but we will only allow it if you don't give yourself an advantage. Aura, Fly, ETC.
      Feb 15, 2015
    3. Obama
      I would rather not use hacked clients because some of mods can be turned on by keys, If you accidently turn one on, #banned.

      Feb 15, 2015
    4. CypriotMerks
      Feb 15, 2015
    5. Jarvic
      I downloaded a hacked client[A while back] then got banned for using the Damage Indicators on it. I didn't use any Aura or fly ect. So can we get clients but not use cheat advantages?
      Feb 15, 2015
    6. Obama
      That's pretty much what he just said. :)
      Feb 15, 2015
    7. Tsunderes
      So damage indicators are allowed? A while back, mods said they were banned so I didn't use them. Plus, last time I checked, Forge didn't come out with a 1.8 update for damage indicators, and since the server is 1.8 they shouldn't work.
      Feb 16, 2015
    8. ImTopmass
      How about auto-brightness and auto-speed?
      Feb 16, 2015
    9. Tsunderes
      Brightness, I assume is ok. Auto speed well, does that make you automatically sprint?
      Feb 16, 2015
    10. ImTopmass
      Well, yes.
      Feb 16, 2015
    11. Tsunderes
      Hmm, I assume that's a no. It's an advantage because you don't have to recover from a combo, you auto run. When you're in a fight, combo's knock off your sprint, so I'm guessing no. Just my opinion though.
      Feb 16, 2015