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  • Comments on Profile Post by salman12112

    1. GizzBots
      Hmm, I am unsure why that would be happening. Is it happening to other people? If not, try resetting your internet by turning your router off, leaving for 40 seconds and turning it back on. It may be your internet. Before connecting to the lobby hover over the bars and see your ping. I am unable to come on and see if I have the same problems though.
      Feb 15, 2015
    2. salman12112
      No, a guy said so /p tp 100000:10000 then he said that I tped to 100000000 plots and that minecraft can't handle it then he siad he will DDOS me! D:
      Feb 15, 2015
    3. salman12112
      I basically did /p tp 10000:10000 and tped to 100000000 plots and minecraft couldn't handle it so it keeps on kicking me I posted threads and no staff is answering
      Feb 15, 2015
    4. salman12112
      Guess who is the person who said that.... Zentios
      Feb 15, 2015
    5. salman12112
      I am an idiot for believing but DDOSING me and the website? Nah
      Feb 15, 2015
    6. GizzBots
      Did you get screenshots of him saying that he will ddos you?
      Feb 15, 2015
    7. salman12112
      it was a skype call
      Feb 15, 2015
    8. salman12112
      I didn't know it was gonna happen so I didn't open my screen recorder
      Feb 15, 2015
    9. salman12112
      I didn't know it was gonna happen so I didn't open my screen recorder
      Feb 15, 2015
    10. GizzBots
      Proof via Skype isn't enough sadly as people could frame others for things they didn't do. I'm sorry but I can't actually help you all that much, but I can tell you that he won't be able to boot you off for long. Is this resolved yet?
      Feb 15, 2015