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  • Comments on Profile Post by Exy

    1. RachetSenpai
      Ayy, wow, I can't even remember for how long it's been now. xD Sorry, but I don't add anyone on skype anymore, and I don't really have the time to skype, been so busy. ;p
      Feb 12, 2015
    2. Exy
      It's been about 6-7 months and it's ok bro
      Feb 12, 2015
    3. RachetSenpai
      Feb 12, 2015
    4. Exy
      I might be coming back to mv I hope we can meet on KitPvP on day :)
      Feb 12, 2015
    5. RachetSenpai
      Great! Yeah, me too bud.
      Feb 12, 2015
    6. Exy
      I just realized you haven't followed your old friend

      Lol do it if you want bud
      Feb 12, 2015
    7. RachetSenpai
      Feb 12, 2015
    8. Exy
      I guess I was mistaken you just did xD
      Feb 12, 2015