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  • Comments on Profile Post by Zambiana

    1. Xelnagahunter
      He's a fatty now.
      Apr 20, 2014
    2. Zambiana
      Did you over feed him? xD!
      Apr 21, 2014
    3. Xelnagahunter
      Until a year old you are supposed to free-feed kittens. They will eat when they are hungry. And cats who are free fed won't usually gorge because they know they will always have food when they need it. After a year we give him 2 cups a day. He usually doesn't finish all of his food in either of his 2 one cup settings.
      Apr 21, 2014
    4. Zambiana
      My cat hardly ate, then we got he de-sexed and now she eats 4 bowls a day, and has put on hella weight, lol.

      Your kitten is adorable. :)
      Apr 21, 2014