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  • Comments on Profile Post by tin15cro

    1. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Sib (sibruvoll)
      no i dont, srry
      Feb 8, 2015
    2. tin15cro
      Go on forums>Ban appeals>Ban appeals>Create thread
      In that thread answer to question i'm going to post here.
      Feb 8, 2015
    3. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Sib (sibruvoll)
      thats my problem :D
      its my first time that im banned on any servers :( sry
      Feb 8, 2015
    4. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Sib (sibruvoll)
      ok tin :D tnx for helping me, im gonna try the best that i can
      Feb 8, 2015
    5. tin15cro
      In the title write: [<Person who banned you>] Your in game name

      In-game name:
      Full exact Ban Message:
      Game mode banned on: [Kit PvP, factions etc]
      Did you read the rules ?
      Why do YOU think you were banned?
      Was this an incorrect ban?
      Were you ever banned before on Mineverse? If so, what for?
      Why do you think you should be unbanned?
      Feb 8, 2015
    6. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Sib (sibruvoll)
      am i gonna answer that on here?
      Feb 8, 2015
    7. tin15cro
      No create a thread on ban appeals
      Feb 8, 2015
    8. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Sib (sibruvoll)
      cuz i dont understand how do you on the ban appleal thing
      Feb 8, 2015
    9. tin15cro
      Click on button forums then ban appeals then again ban appeals then Create thread. After that copy the questions and answer them in the thread.
      Feb 8, 2015
    10. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Sib (sibruvoll)
      1. sibruvoll
      2. Reason: Guard Room
      3. Prison
      4. i have read it, but i didnt see that it was 1 of the rules
      5. I think i were banned because i were in the guard room and i dont got permission to do that.
      6. It was a correct ban because i was in the guard room.
      7. No, never
      Feb 8, 2015
    11. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Sib (sibruvoll)
      8. I didnt know that was a rule, i havent been playing on the server that long, i havent been banned before, and im a Nice guy that doesnt break the rules if he know about it, like using a Diamond sword in pvp. Im never doing something else than what the rules says i can.
      Feb 8, 2015
    12. tin15cro
      No no.. not here O my gosh lol
      Feb 8, 2015
    13. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Sib (sibruvoll)
      I hope i can get unbanned tin :D ask me if you want me to do something else, btw: i think you can see that my English isnt that good, thats why i dont understand all the ban apeal thing. I hope you understand
      Feb 8, 2015
    14. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Feb 8, 2015
    15. tin15cro
      Okay listen do you see that button Forums in the top?
      Feb 8, 2015
    16. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Sib (sibruvoll)
      im sorry, i dont understand this
      were do you want me to put this
      Feb 8, 2015
    17. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Sib (sibruvoll)
      Yeah, i see it...
      Feb 8, 2015
    18. tin15cro
      Click on it then find button that says Ban appeals then click it
      Feb 8, 2015
    19. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Feb 8, 2015
    20. tin15cro
      When you open ban appeals theres another button saying ban appeals right? Click on it
      Feb 8, 2015
    21. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Feb 8, 2015
    22. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Feb 8, 2015
    23. tin15cro
      In the right top corrner there is button saying Create thread is it? CLick on it and asnwer my question i've given you please.
      Feb 8, 2015
    24. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Sib (sibruvoll)
      yeha it does, im gonna answer like i did you to :D
      Feb 8, 2015
    25. tin15cro
      Feb 8, 2015
    26. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Sib (sibruvoll)
      Now i did it :D hope it works
      Feb 8, 2015
    27. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Sib (sibruvoll)
      Are you gonna read it?
      Feb 8, 2015
    28. Sib (sibruvoll)
      Sib (sibruvoll)
      Tell me if i get unbanned plz :D
      Feb 8, 2015