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  • Comments on Profile Post by _AgentAndroid_

    1. joecobo_
      Cause you abused the permissions that he gave to you, and that's your punishment
      Feb 7, 2015
    2. _AgentAndroid_
      How did I abuse?
      Feb 7, 2015
    3. _AgentAndroid_
      I was new and as far as I knew about god mode was that you can't pvp whilst in it. I didn't expect UncleUrnesto to be in my base after I came back from dealing with an issue and so I just stood there in god mode not attacking him or anything.
      Feb 7, 2015
    4. joecobo_
      Feb 7, 2015
    5. joecobo_
      You can't seriously say idk. You went around blocking your chests to protect them while in god mode. Like seriously anything that gives you that unrealistic of an advange over players is abuse
      Feb 7, 2015
    6. _AgentAndroid_
      I've been inactive after dealing with a death in the family. Not my fault I can't be on all the time. Then ducky comes over and calls me a twat and says I'm too dumb to open my Minecraft. Then he said more bad things that upset me and he didn't even get banned?!
      Feb 7, 2015
    7. joecobo_
      Then why didn't you say you were dealing with family issues rather than posting that your minecraft was broken for a month. And that's beside the point abuse of perms is more than enough to get you banned and demoted.
      Feb 7, 2015
    8. _AgentAndroid_
      According to this I'm perma banned and I don't wanna talk about my personal life online that's why
      Feb 7, 2015
    9. joecobo_
      I'm not asking you to do that. Just say you're dealing with IRL stuff, instead of minecraft is broken. Anyways no point to this discussion you'll be banned as soon as the next mod logs on the forums.
      Feb 7, 2015
    10. _AgentAndroid_
      For what? I'm trying to appeal
      Feb 7, 2015