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  • Comments on Profile Post by ZeldaNinja

    1. finchy
      Oh, I see you dislike anime.
      Um, I'm not trying to start anything, but I think that was slightly offensive...
      I apologize for opposing your opinion but, yeah. I find this a bit disrespectful for those who do like it.
      Feb 8, 2015
    2. ZeldaNinja
      XD sorry :P XD I meant it as a joke, I don't have anything personal against people who like it, I just don't like watching it XD
      Feb 9, 2015
    3. finchy
      Oh, okay :3 I'm not mad or anything, I promise. I mean, I do respect the fact that you can openly express your opinions, I'm sorry for pointing stuff out. And good, at least you don't have something against the people who actually do like it.
      I'm sure you would grow to like it too if you find some good things to watch; even the mangas of some shows are really really good. I understand if you do not want to.
      Feb 9, 2015
    4. ZeldaNinja
      XDXD lol we so profound today XD, I watch like the last airbender, and a few narutos, but yeah not much anime at all
      Feb 10, 2015
    5. finchy
      Well if you like comedy try out Hetalia, and there's some other cool animes like Black Butler, Death Note, and Attack on Titan. They're pretty nice
      Feb 10, 2015
    6. BO$$
      Not attack on titan. SO Gory XD ( That stuff is MA15 + 0_0 )
      Feb 10, 2015
    7. Chibi
      I don't know you.
      Feb 11, 2015
    8. finchy
      Attack on Titan is gory and awesome, B)
      Feb 11, 2015
    9. ZeldaNinja
      Attack on titan annoys the crap out of me, sorry but it seriously does :/
      Feb 11, 2015
    10. finchy
      Eh, people have opinions.
      But there are some things inside the series that don't make sense, and some of the characters are really annoying though.
      Feb 11, 2015
    11. ZeldaNinja
      I don't really know, it's just how people thinks it all "deep" when really its just a cartoon, with no 'moral', and it's shallow how people "praise" it xP
      Feb 12, 2015
    12. finchy
      I don't think it's deep. To me, there's just no plot line or anything. I'm not one of those fans that like cried whenever somebody died, and I'm not the kind that cosplays it, and over obsesses over it.
      Feb 12, 2015