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  • Comments on Profile Post by Clone

    1. Naga
      Not really, haven't played for like 3 weeks. I got banned for cheating 4 times in row so I decided to be Nope.
      Feb 5, 2015
    2. Clone
      PS4 lyfe 2 strong?
      Feb 5, 2015
    3. Naga
      Computor is mi lyfe nao. I've played some CS:GO (Although I suck on it), Civ 5 and MC. You can see that I played MC due to being 'Z' on OPPrison. Btw, that up?
      Feb 5, 2015
    4. Clone
      No clue, I mostly stick to my secluded home of Skywars.
      Feb 5, 2015
    5. Naga
      Mind checking it?
      Feb 5, 2015
    6. Clone
      It's down.
      Feb 5, 2015
    7. Naga
      That recoding takes an awfully long time.
      Feb 5, 2015
    8. Clone
      I liked our old developer better. So far I hate the new staff that think they're better than all the Mods.
      Feb 5, 2015
    9. Naga
      I'm not gonna comment on staff due to I have not seen several moderators due to timezones. I pulled an all-nighter and saw like 2-4 mods I haven't but they weren't for a long while in my gamemode.
      Feb 5, 2015
    10. Clone
      I'm not judging Mods, just the Builder.
      Feb 5, 2015
    11. Naga
      Not gonna judge him either.
      Feb 5, 2015