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  • Comments on Profile Post by jarroy

    1. jarroy
      I'm sorry for what I did, but you resigned because this place is not the same right? I tried doing the same, but it ended really badly and I obviously didn't intend for anyone to know. I blocked you from Skype because I was embarrassed.
      Feb 2, 2015
    2. jarroy
      Yes, embarrassed of what I did, but mostly because I couldn't come to think I could lose a friend like you, and I did. So, if you're willing, it'd be nice to be friends with you again and talk about going to college and how much school sucks, etc. etc..
      Feb 2, 2015
    3. jarroy
      (I hate this 420 character limit)

      And if you don't want to be friends yet, that's fine, but if in the future you want to, I'd be happy to oblige.
      Feb 2, 2015
    4. Christi
      I'd love for us to be friends again :)
      Feb 2, 2015
    5. jarroy
      I'll add you on Skype when I get home and we can talk about drugs :'D
      Feb 2, 2015
    6. Christi
      Ahahaha alrighty c:
      Feb 2, 2015
    7. jarroy
      Is your skype not Christimc99? I tried that and it didn't work ;-;
      Feb 2, 2015
    8. Christi
      It is?
      Feb 2, 2015
    9. jarroy
      I typed in that username and it said no one found
      Feb 2, 2015
    10. Christi
      uh wut?
      Feb 2, 2015