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  • Comments on Profile Post by 3yerrt

    1. Ilikeicecream83
      Is that why your not a mod anymore? I think you were a great mod.
      Feb 3, 2015
    2. 3yerrt
      Thank you. :)
      Feb 3, 2015
    3. Van
      Issues are coming and they are leaving. No worry, take it easy, sit down and read a book. cx. I'm joking. If you feel sad about the issue hope you get better and you fix it.
      Feb 4, 2015
    4. 3yerrt
      Lol, I don't have any issues as far as I'm aware of xD Some guy did a tbh about me and said that I have lots of issues.
      Feb 4, 2015
    5. Van
      Oh knewl. xD
      Feb 4, 2015