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  • Comments on Profile Post by gabby

    1. Kyaaaal
      Hello Gabrielle
      Feb 2, 2015
    2. gabby
      Feb 2, 2015
    3. Kyaaaal
      I would come online, but currently banned on Parkour for "hacking" which I am currently fixing, and I am also unable to connect to the server due to people hijacking the ip so that I redirect to a different server...
      Feb 2, 2015
    4. gabby
      What the...
      Feb 2, 2015
    5. Kyaaaal
      Have you not noticed that i've not been on Parkour since like Friday?... Your good friend Alex(djaj112) got me banned for "hacking" even though it was a block glitch that I used to get on top of the parkour tower.
      Feb 2, 2015
    6. gabby
      Oh god he was bragging to us about it,
      djaj aint my good friend :<

      and I haven't been on either so I didn't know
      Feb 2, 2015
    7. Kyaaaal
      Oh well, I'll eventually get unbanned. Otherwise I'm going to have to argue a lot to get the fact that I never hacked to achieve the position on top of the tower.
      Feb 2, 2015
    8. gabby
      Yeah.. I hate when mods just don't examine the evidence
      Feb 2, 2015
    9. Kyaaaal
      I guess it's from inexperience of parkour and the use of lag to glitch. I'm not overly bothered as of yet, but I'll give it maximum until Thursday. If I'm not unbanned by then, gonna have to do some reporting of my own.
      Feb 2, 2015