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  • Comments on Profile Post by mr rob

    1. SavageTM
      No? I'm wearing a Marine Corp Desert camo pants w/ an beige undershirt. The knife is an 13 inch Stainless Steel survival knife with an razer edge. It is the uniform I train with for preparation for the Marines.
      No thug.
      Jan 29, 2015
    2. mr rob
      mr rob
      But ir not a marine.....
      Jan 30, 2015
    3. SavageTM
      I'm training for bootcamp.
      I would like to know what I'm doing before I go in.
      Jan 30, 2015
    4. mr rob
      mr rob
      Well I'm saying my opinion and my dad is a marine.
      Jan 31, 2015
    5. SavageTM
      An opinion is a thought on something. Directly calling me a thug isn't an opinion. When I give you the facts you're opinion should change if I "Look like a thug"
      Feb 14, 2015
    6. Quad
      Deff a thug.
      Feb 16, 2015