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  • Comments on Profile Post by VaMeSa123

    1. VaMeSa123
      Still waiting for him to fix it, mean while I do do my job on the severs I still have mod on. I still help other mods to moderate when they need help. Don't accuse me of any inactivity.
      Jan 25, 2015
    2. Obama
      You're not really ment to focuse on helping other mod's even if your prefix's are gliched you can still help people..
      Jan 25, 2015
    3. VaMeSa123
      I help other mods when needed, we all help each other, it's call a team.
      I do help other players. Even without my perms, I answer many questions in game.
      Jan 25, 2015
    4. Obama
      ah okay, you answer many questions.
      Seems difficult.
      Jan 25, 2015