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  • Comments on Profile Post by Zambiana

    1. CypriotMerks
      Don't expect me to demote half of the team because you say so.
      Jan 25, 2015
    2. Zulfqar
      That's what RaccoonElectro said as well :P.
      Jan 25, 2015
    3. Zambiana
      I don't think you understood my point, you shouldn't have removed me from Skype, could have explained this so easily.
      This staff team has zero guidance, it's not that they're bad and theirs only a select few that need to go, and even then I think teaching them could salvage them.
      Jan 25, 2015
    4. Zambiana
      But the so called 'head mod' does nothing to guide them, obviously. It's obvious that each situation is unique and they're not taught how to approach that situation, so they follow other rules and it conflicts. I'm not saying they should be perfect, but they deserve a much better 'head mod'.
      Jan 25, 2015
    5. Zambiana
      But at the end of the day, you'll either reflect on what I said or pass it off and continue how you want.. however these staff reports aren't artificial, they have a very serious and the mods really aren't to blame if they're not being taught. It's like scolding a kid for swearing when they weren't taught not to.
      Jan 25, 2015
    6. mrethanman archerhead
      mrethanman archerhead
      HEY ScoFu13 IS THE BEST head mod ever ever. so watch what your saying about the mods need another head mod.
      Jan 26, 2015
    7. mrethanman archerhead
      mrethanman archerhead
      Zambiana is part right I got banned a few times for hacking and I wasn't the mods need to autally learn what is hacks
      Jan 26, 2015
    8. mrethanman archerhead
      mrethanman archerhead
      Lots of the mods need to go well at least 1 I know but I anit going to say it xD!
      Jan 26, 2015
    9. CypriotMerks
      I removed everyone from Skype for a reason. It was not my fault. If Skype was to hack my Skype again and this person on my Skype impersonated to me as you on Skype you would be in danger as god knows what he'll do or say. E.G A file containing a virus. You won't know if it's me or the hacker on my account + I am still waiting for Skype to deactivate my Skype so I will no longer have Skype.
      Jan 26, 2015
    10. CypriotMerks
      I have already read what you wrote in your thread and like I said I will not demote half of the team because you say so.
      Jan 26, 2015
    11. mrethanman archerhead
      mrethanman archerhead
      CYprit Pandabear is saying I hack I wrote my ban appeals he denied is there anyway u have a mv list of some sort BCUZ I WASNT hacking I did get banned before for hacks in the past But they were false as well even ask the people who banneded me can u speak about it to PandaBbear
      Jan 26, 2015
    12. Obama
      I think more than a quarter of the server agrees.
      Jan 26, 2015
    13. Zulfqar
      @CypriotMerks I Know Who Hacked you.
      Jan 26, 2015