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  • Comments on Profile Post by extreme_

    1. GizzBots
      Thanks, it's a good thing that you;
      1. Don't know me.
      2. I don't care what a random person like you thinks of me.
      Might I point out to you that taking that to my profile is also rude.
      Jan 25, 2015
    2. GizzBots
      Wait a sec... IGN?
      Jan 25, 2015
    3. kitkat6605910
      and immature
      Jan 29, 2015
    4. GizzBots
      Coming from you :> you're 12-14 and you online date.. Hmmm.
      Jan 29, 2015
    5. kitkat6605910
      'Online date?'
      LMFAO. It's not like I speak to the people just in game. I'm not the only person that dates online, there's only one thousand other people that do it also.
      Jan 29, 2015
    6. GizzBots
      K. You flirt with like sooo many guys lmao. Idc what you think, never will, so just stop.
      Jan 29, 2015
    7. kitkat6605910
      i dont flirt with guys, but k.
      Jan 29, 2015
    8. GizzBots
      That's just a 'bit' of a lie, lmao.
      Jan 30, 2015