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  • Comments on Profile Post by Stone_Cold2120

    1. 3yerrt
      Example please.
      Jan 24, 2015
    2. ImTopmass
      3yerrt please. Why ban him for saying his opinion about you?
      Jan 25, 2015
    3. 3yerrt
      Didn't ban him for that bud.
      Jan 25, 2015
    4. TENSION
      *Cough* 3yerrt, does it for the power
      Jan 25, 2015
    5. iOptifine
      @Topmass22, probably the only reason why he isn't demoted is due to the fact that he is on a lot. Like 24/7 bruh, other from that he is abooosive, and does it for the powwa that comes with it. Also to get attention, so he doesn't remain a randie.
      Jan 26, 2015
    6. 3yerrt
      Please, have evidence to back you up before you go ahead and say I "abuse"
      Jan 26, 2015
    7. Alan
      You seem like a nice guy, even though we only met once.
      Jan 26, 2015