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  • Comments on Profile Post by D1amondF1nder11

    1. Staty
      Jan 20, 2015
    2. nick ok
      nick ok
      Ow could I not agree.
      Jan 20, 2015
    3. Mangoorange
      Omg like seriously why u gotta hate HATER!
      Boys r better than girls u sexist girl
      Jan 22, 2015
    4. Saturns
      Actually if girls didnt exist no one in the world would exist at the moment, So keep talking c:
      Jan 23, 2015
    5. Staty
      Good Point, that's why I tried to turn cold blooded. Didn't exactly work.
      Jan 28, 2015
    6. Arvedi
      Wow dick comment Mango.. for a 12 year old even you should know better.
      Jun 8, 2015