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  • Comments on Profile Post by Mega_

    1. elrak
      You trash talk everyone, 9 year old.
      Jan 20, 2015
    2. Mega_
      I'm and next time you raid idy don't try and blame it on me.
      Jan 20, 2015
    3. Mega_
      oh wait that was shonal.
      Jan 20, 2015
    4. elrak
      I'm currently banned and haven't raided anyone, skid.
      Jan 20, 2015
    5. Idy
      Wtf, wait so shonal one of my friends , "trash talked" and apparently raided me?
      Jan 21, 2015
    6. Mega_
      I don't know if it was shonal himself but it was the people in the call with him. I don't know if they have raided you they said they were going to and blame it on me so nick would ddos me.
      Jan 21, 2015
    7. Mega_
      I wouldn't lie to th3nick or super4321. Nick is scary and super is one of my trusted friends.
      Jan 21, 2015
    8. elrak
      Nick scary? Looooooool.
      Jan 21, 2015